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Writer's pictureIzaera

The Poverty of Integrity

Imagine someone selling out for material gain. What would you think of them? Suppose you have a friend that you grew up with, and they became very materially wealthy. Suppose you found out later in life that the friend you thought had a high level of integrity made their money by taking advantage of people by telling lies. Would you still respect them?

People want to be told the truth. Mainstream media no longer understands how to express the truth. They sell advertising space, getting something for nothing. How much does it cost to have a place on a piece of paper or a web page? The only way to drive people to buy advertising space is to print hyper-sensationalized headlines to draw non-thinking readers to read something on the page where the advertising is found. Then, lazier internet influencers read the headlines, decide to take a stance, relay the hyper-sensational issue, and create videos for people to watch and sell their advertisements. I cannot believe how lazy humanity has gotten. The only way the news media can earn money is to sell advertising space. No one wants to pay for a newspaper and spend time reading anymore. Everyone wants instant gratification because no one is willing to make the effort required to achieve fulfilment. Cursive handwriting is a dying entity. No one writes anymore. Even I find myself keyboarding everything instead of picking up a pen and writing.

There will always be people who have perspectives of a situation and fail to have enough integrity to investigate whether their perception is accurate. They’re lazy. These so-called journalists think they can sit upon the mound of morality they artificially created for themselves, which lets them look down on others. They believe they have the only correct perspective and can’t lower themselves to look at other perspectives. These are the dangerous ones. These are the ones who twist the truth and bend the ears of the gullible majority. They are the ones who start wars on information that’s not been verified and is often inaccurate.

“Naked men march in Pride Parade with children in attendance,” reads one headline. But what is the angle of their perspective? The headline appears to mean that the men are debaucherous exhibitionists intent on corrupting children. That’s not the case at all. If the lazy journalist who wrote the article had bothered to find out about the organization that was promoting non-sexual nude and natural living and also had women in attendance at the parade, maybe the article would have never been printed, and, therefore, the lazy and greedy journalist would not have been paid for their article. That’s the problem with honesty; you don’t get paid well for being honest. Honest politicians never win elections. News outlets wouldn’t get paid either. “If it bleeds, it leads,” is their creed. The more sensational the article, the closer it resides to the front page, and the advertisers pay a healthy price to be positioned next to an article of such crap. Non-thinking editors and owners of news outlets have one thing on their agenda: lining the pockets of their advertisers, who in return line their pockets. Money is the root cause of otherwise honest people marginalizing their integrity. I find it difficult to understand why some people love money more than people.

And what else is the media doing when they write articles like this? Pride is a celebration of tolerance and acceptance of everyone. The group marching naked in the parade is part of the Naturist community, and what they are promoting is natural living, supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and spreading tolerance and respect for everyone. The media turns the celebration into a vision of sex on display by hyper-sensationalizing a peaceful promotion of natural living. They teach intolerance and non-acceptance in these poorly and hastily written articles. It proves that media is controlled by money, and greed is their only ideology.

News media has gone off the deep end. It’s controlled by the Uber-rich oligarchy, which created the box of ‘normal’ and greed they want everyone to conform to. It’s time to stop listening to them and let them go by the way of the Dodo. They’ve never been worth reading due to their low level of integrity. You’re better off finding the truth for yourself instead of listening to lies.

I know that there are trustworthy news media entities and journalists with integrity who investigate both sides of a story, but there are also more lazy journalists without integrity. It’s up to the journalist community to regulate themselves.

I believe in people. Most are good-willed. The greedy few cause distress in the world. It’s time humanity became human beings again and removed the power of the greedy elite. Let truth reign free. Human doings can become human beings once again when integrity returns to the world.

All I have ever wanted is to be free. I want everyone to join me. All I want is to know the truth and speak the truth as I understand it. I have an open mind and can listen to other perspectives and hear the truth when it presents itself. I can change my perspective when shown that my thinking is incorrect. I don’t want to harm anyone. I want all humans to be free and get along peacefully, and I believe, in my heart, it is possible.

Naked and free is our HUMAN RIGHT!


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