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Writer's pictureIzaera

The Tyranny of the Vocal Minority Who Proselytize Being NORMAL

We’re supposed to be evolving, yet it seems that more and more people are giving their ability to think independently over to an organization or a group of non-thinking, harmful, and power-lusting individuals. There seems to be a fracturing of communities. Everyone wants freedom, but their definition usually involves hoards of money and material wealth and bending to conform to the greedy rich community's rules that love to create division amongst their non-thinking followers. Freedom is not following the crowd. Freedom is being authentic and selflessly being a part of a community.

We’ve constructed artificial environments called cities, towns, and villages, which were supposed to ensure security from outside invaders and evil people. And for a very brief time, it may have worked. But today, it seems that wicked people and tyrants who want to control our behaviour live amongst us. It’s an unnatural world we live in. Everything that we use and build has come from our minds. We’ve lost connection to Mother Earth and have given credit to artificial deities for the existence of all things and everyone.

The sheepism apparent in our various cultures is very visible if you step back and look objectively at the culture around you. The problem is that if you’re part of a group or organization that promotes sheepism, you’ll be blind to the fact. You’re not independent of them, and you’ll likely contribute to creating division amongst humans.

Today, some power-lusting non-thinker gets an idea in their head, one that they heard from someone else and have repeated so often it becomes real to them, steps on a soap box with a banner on a stick, yelling into a bullhorn about some issue that’s blown out of proportion in their mind and the non-thinking sheepish masses congregate and listen to what they have to say. Then, they start to believe and parrot what this person says without verifying what they are saying. Then they, along with the ‘Leader,’ start bullying others. WOKE as they call themselves. I’m not sure what woke means, but when you give your capacity to think independently over to some self-serving bully, you’re not woke. You’re a sheep.

If you ever encounter a woke person, all you have to do is question them if they’ve verified what they’re saying. If they tell you that there have been studies to support their statistics, which are usually non-verifiable, ask them to cite the studies their statistics come from. I doubt that they’ll be able to do so. Most of their ideas stem from victimhood. They believe they are standing up for the victims of some self-concieved injustice. From my point of view, if you stop being a victim, you won’t experience injustices against you. Standing behind a bullhorn, bullying others to behave as you dictate, creates an injustice in attempting to fix another.

Humans suffer from being programmed in unnatural ways from birth. We are taught to fit in, to be part of a culture, and to give our lives for the benefit of a few. We are taught that criticism must be avoided at all costs. That’s not freedom. It’s the tyranny of the box of normal. Its presence is evident in the pandemic of obesity, depression, mental dysfunction, and suicides that are occurring globally.

I only wanted to be free and have friends when I was little. I’d do anything my so-called friends wanted me to do to fit in because that’s what my parents and teachers said was correct behaviour. Whatever games we might have played usually became frustrating when the bullies started changing the rules to benefit themselves. I’d believe and parrot what the others said even if I had no proof they were right to maintain our “friendships.” If I didn’t play how they wanted me to, I’d be shunned and cast out of the group. The friends I thought I had would side with the bullies, and next thing you know, I’d be alone because I wanted to be independent and actually think for myself.

Depression was the result of trying to conform. Then, I realized that I could be by myself and do what fulfills me without infringing on the rights of others. I stopped blaming the world, my environment, and others for my circumstances and took responsibility for myself. That’s the essence of freedom—doing something of value that doesn’t infringe on anyone’s rights. Who am I harming when I’m being independent, offering information to others, and allowing them to think what they want about it? I’m giving them new information to get them to think for some time.

I love visiting the wild, being disconnected from the world for a short time, going where there is no cell phone signal available, where there is no click-bate media to distort the truth. Where there is balance, calmness, and serenity. Being naked in the woods, sitting on the moss-covered rocks or lying on the moist, living soil allows my body to relax and rejuvenate.  I have no external influences corrupting or controlling my thoughts. Naked and shamelessly connecting to Nature through Mother Earth isn’t infringing on anyone’s rights. It’s my right to make those choices. The masses have no right to try and control me. Therefore, I don’t let them.

Some people think that I’m infringing on their right not to see me naked. So to them, I say, what harm am I doing? The human form, no matter what sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation the owners might have, is perfect. To cover it up and make it ill to protect someone else’s sensibilities is a crime against Nature. If there is something you don’t want to watch on TV, you can change the channel, probably to some program that depicts violence or something that sexualizes the human body. So, if you don’t like looking at the naked body you see, avert your gaze, look elsewhere, and leave that body be. Or better yet, communicate with that person in the nude body and find out why they are naked. No one has the right to control another person, and they, who would force anyone to be clothed, are infringing on our human right to choose. They are unnatural and non-thinking people, abiding by old, archaic beliefs about nudity to conform and fit in. The opposite of courage is conformity. Go ahead, you textiled lot, and be sheep. Fit in. Follow the crowd. I’d rather be Naked, Shameless, Human, and FREE.


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